Big City Walleye

I think this is what makes this Lake Michigan shore fishing so intriguing. You just never know what you may hook next. In the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, November 29th, I hooked into a decent fish off the outside of Milwaukee’s McKinley break wall. It felt heavy but didn’t take off screaming like the usual Salmonid would. It kinda rolled and sulked near the wall. Not having a light on me I called to my partner (“I-T Tommy” [you heard it here first] as he will soon be known soon by the other McKinley Alumni such as Garage Door John, Deaf Richey, Santa Claus, Steve the Brick Layer, Cigar John, The Professor, and last but not least, Big Wally) that I had a fish on.
As I lead the fish along the wall towards him, I was able to get it close enough to see it. No, not a Brown or a Steelhead. A WALLEYE…. and a big one at that!!! He slipped the net under it and WOW, a 27” Walleye in the backdrop of a major metropolitan city. We quickly photographed it and released it to become a thirty incher someday soon.
That just got me thinking again about what an incredible fishery we have here sitting right here on our shore line. You don’t even need a boat!
I was thinking back about what I haven’t caught in and around our Milwaukee Harbor, and the only thing is a Musky! Salmon over 31 pounds, Browns and Steelhead over 20 pounds, Lake Trout, Coho Salmon, Whitefish, Pike up to 40”, jumbo Perch, Crappies, Bluegills, Bass up to 20”, Catfish, Carp (some real giants!), and in the past 10 years, some dandy walleyes. And the prospects of a Musky are certainly there with numbers growing in the Milwaukee River. All it will take is a few to venture down from Mequon and find the inner harbor and the abundance of Gizzard Shad. It sounds crazy but I never thought I’d be catching Bass or Walleyes out there 30 years ago. If you would have told me in 1980 that the 2000 Bassmaster Classic was going to be held in the Chicago Harbor, I would have checked your arms for needle marks. But it happened.
What’s going on right now?
Browns and few Rainbows are reported off McKinley. There is a shot at a three year old King off the deep end right now with the late season trollers taking them in 25 feet of water just north of the pier. One of my top 5 epic battles took place in late November a couple years ago after hooking up with an 18 pound three year old. Also, there is some action around the Amphitheater and in the Lakeshore State Park estuary. They are targeting Perch under the Hoan, but it seems like a lot of work for two or three fish.
Browns and few Rainbows are reported off McKinley. There is a shot at a three year old King off the deep end right now with the late season trollers taking them in 25 feet of water just north of the pier. One of my top 5 epic battles took place in late November a couple years ago after hooking up with an 18 pound three year old. Also, there is some action around the Amphitheater and in the Lakeshore State Park estuary. They are targeting Perch under the Hoan, but it seems like a lot of work for two or three fish.
Independent Tackle Shops
I had the opportunity to shop for a reel last week. After checking in with all the “big boys”, I decided to try the Fishing Hole in Cudahy. I hadn’t been there in a while and was pleasantly surprised to find some outstanding deals and an incredible selection. Roger has always prided himself in having the biggest selection of lures, reels and rods specifically chosen to the needs of the local anglers. He has really weathered the storm of the big tackle chains and has to be one of the biggest independents in the state. I have nothing against Cabela’s, Gander, or Bass Pro, but remember the independents when making your next purchase. I forgot what great selection he had and it only seems to get better.
Till next time, tight lines and smooth drags…
Great Walleye - and even better that it was released. You mentioned "a lot of work for just a few fish". What about Smallmouth Bass? Is there a fishable population. I don't need consistant action. 2 or 3 fish would be a successful outing for me.
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